CLIP + VQGAN Response:


Artist’s Initial Prompt :

Five reasons that I think other people are watching me in the public restrooms :

GPT-3 Response:

<aside> 💡 Five reasons that I think other people are watching me in the public restrooms :

  1. I constantly have to explain that I’m simply washing my hands in the sink and not giving birth.

  2. My size is probably intimidating to others who use the restrooms at businesses, restaurants, etc., and it makes them uncomfortable for me being there when there are other rooms available for me to use.

  3. I’m a woman who looks like a man (in their minds) so they assume that I am a man entering the restroom without any regard to my genitals or sex life/identity (which can be confusing). It’s obvious by looking at me that I’m female but they will still give me strange looks as if they think they might be missing something about this woman before them because of her appearance, so again, public restroom usage is difficult; even more so than usual for women with larger bodies due to all of the stares and glares we get during our short time in these public spaces which make us feel unsafe or uncomfortable requiring us to rush out of these spaces as quickly as possible after doing our business in order to avoid any further harassment from people coming/going into/out of these restrooms while we are inside taking care of ourselves; i.e., going pee-pee or poo-poo! There was one incident where an older couple came into the stall next door after using their cell phone camera light on me through my thin stall wall partition which made it very clear what my genitals looked like enough for them both immediately decided against using that particular toilet… a potentially embarrassing incident avoided thanks only to timing! So many people invade your space in such small places undetected… it can be scary!!! 😉

  4. Again, because of my body size it seems impossible (or just perceived by others) that someone could “hide themselves away” inside this large body long enough without anyone noticing until much too late – most likely some kind of emergency situation!! And then what? What would you do if you were standing near an occupied stall staring at someone thinking “what are you doing under there?!?!!?!” – hoping nothing bad happens now knowing this person may have been able hide themselves away long enough behind locked doors and stalls presumably doing something bad but no one can see what exactly is happening behind closed doors??? You would panic possibly making things worse somehow without even knowing why!!! Some people take great offense over certain things despite not having all relevant information regarding those certain things making everyone else feel scolded or shamed unnecessarily…


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