CLIP + VQGAN Response:


Artist’s Initial Prompt:

This is an horror story that takes place in a public restroom.

GPT-3 response:

<aside> đź’ˇ This is an horror story that takes place in a public restroom.

“It was a bright sunny Saturday afternoon when I went to the local mall with my wife and children. After we finished our shopping, we decided to go back to the restrooms in one of the food courts so my wife could change her baby’s diaper. I was standing at a urinal when an old man walked in and headed straight for the stall directly in front of me. He stood there and closed his eyes, and then started crying hysterically. I asked him what was wrong but he just kept on sobbing.

I turned around at that point and noticed that there were no other stalls vacant except for this one right beside me, which made me wonder why he had chosen this particular one out of all the others available to him. But before I could think about it any further, he suddenly grabbed hold of both sides of the stall door with his hands and started shaking them violently from side to side while still wailing uncontrollably like a child who had lost its mother somewhere among the crowds at a shopping mall on a busy weekend afternoon. It sounded like something you hear from someone who has gone completely insane after being tortured by some sort of drug or brainwashing technique used by terrorists during wartime captivity operations…or maybe even worse…a demonic possession! In fact it sounded so ominous that even though I am not particularly superstitious or religious by nature, it literally scared me half way out of my wits! And so without thinking about it too much longer, because literally there wasn’t enough time left for rational thought anyway under those terrifying circumstances if you know what I mean…I immediately backed off towards an adjacent wall as far away from him as possible while watching intently through half-closed eyelids while awaiting whatever might happen next to unfold itself into view before me without delay….and then just when all hell seemed ready to break loose inside that restroom stall right beside mine….the old man stopped moving altogether…..and everything became eerily quiet again until finally….there came another voice instead…..but this time coming forth from deep inside his throat…… which sounded exactly like that belonging to someone else entirely……someone whom most would never suspect may be lurking behind its sound…..because although deathly afraid himself… conveyed an air about itself …as if attempting desperately hard not only not let anyone else notice how terrified he really felt himself under those horrifying conditions……..but also trying very hard indeed not let anyone see through his act either—-as if having already concluded long ago beforehand how absolutely necessary such


This project is brought to you by Li Yao