
Out of respect of each participants' privacy, there will be no recording throughout the event. The comments and screenshots of the Clubhouse room will be anonymized.


第一阶段: 确认参与人数。参与者加moderator权限。这样任何参与者发现不适宜的观众时可以随时踢人。参与者全程开麦。

Phase 1: Confirming the participants. All participants will be authorized as moderators, so that when any participant senses inappropriate audience, they can kick them out. All participants should keep their mic on throughout the whole process.


Phase 2: Drinking water simultaneously. The suggested drinking amount is 700 ml, referencing the preparation before an ultrasonic scan.




Phase 3: Waiting.


Phase 4: When the maximum amount of participants have achieved the near-threshold, everyone enters their bathroom and stands by. If conditions allow, we recommend peeing in a seated position, so that participants' hands can safely operate their device or just relax.


Phase 5: After everyone finishes, please wash hands, and be sure not to flush toilet (considering the reverberation might be very loud).

第六阶段:结束,大家交流感想。可以直接交谈也可以在群主的Instagram DM里面留言。文字留言以及Clubhouse房间内的截图都会把参与者匿名。

Phase 6: The end. Participants can exchange their feelings. They can converse directly or leave a message in the host's Instagram DM inbox. Every message received will be anonymized when published on internet; the same goes with any screenshots of the room.



Statement of Intention



Since mid-February 2021, I have been hosting a weekly Clubhouse room to invite random participants to pee together. My aim is to explore the affect of collective urinating in a network setting. This idea arises from my long-term fear of and general curiosity about the bathroom visit as a group activity in daily life. My fear and curiosity stem from people's differing understandings of shame and the infringement of personal boundaries during the socializing process of peeing collectively in a shared physical space. Meanwhile, I have also found that collective bathroom visits seem to provide also a medium for emotional bonding within a given social group.

Given the unique format of interaction that Clubhouse provides, every isolated user communicates solely through audio while being reassured that, from the other end of the network, there are many other human voices. In initiating POT, I invite the participants to contemplate the following questions: How does the intervention of an audio network affect the urination as a spatially isolated action? Does the acoustical overlap of many participants' peeing sounds, combined with the feeling of relief during urination, form some kind of empathetic affect among participants?

In the course of joining this group activity, the bodies of each participant can potentially, through collective imagination, connect across timezones once the urine hits the water.


Your POT Minister


The name is Li Yao. In Chicago he enters the pyramid scheme that is new media art.